
We all need someone to stand by us some time. Television and print reports told the story of thirteen-year-old Natalie Gilbert. Natalie was asked to sing "The Star Spangled Banner" before a full house at a NBA playoff game. As sometimes happens, Natalie forgot the words. She closed her eyes and

The Perils Of Parenthood

Those who have been reading Preaching for a number of years know that I am a 48-year-old father of two little boys, ages 7 and 3. (Just call me a "late bloomer.") So for the last couple of years, as my old seminary buddies were putting their kids in college, I've been putting mine in diapers. T

Ruthless Grace!

Are you preaching the theology of scarcity? At our house, we no longer support Christian ministries that send out those "We're going under financially unless you send money now" desperation letters. Nor do we send gifts to those broadcast ministry appeals with a similar message. Why? Simply be

The Lordship of Jesus Christ

The Lordship of Jesus Christ Philipians 2:5-11 Soon after I became a Christian I was introduced to the Keswick Christian Life Convention, a convention for deepening of spiritual life. The Keswick Convention began in Keswick, England in 1875, and sinc

Old Testament Words: Reflections For Preaching

Just before completing this issue we received a new book entitled Old Testament Words: Reflections for Preaching (Chalice Press), written by Mary Donovan Turner (a professor at Pacific School of Religion). Turner takes 38 Hebrew words from the Old Testament and reflects on their meaning. She dr

A Bucket Of Surprises

Another related publication preachers will enjoy is A Bucket of Surprises by J. John and Mark Stibbe, two well-known Christian communicators in Britain. (The book is published by Monarch Books in the UK, but distributed in the US by Kregel.) The book is filled with humorous stories, quotes a

Perfect Illustrations For Every Topic And Occasion

Some homiletics professors tell their students not to use books of illustrations. These are the professors who use the same three sermons everywhere they go and don't face the challenge of writing two or more fresh messages every week. While most illustration books tend to be stale, re-packaged mate

Testimony To The Exiles

Today's young adults have distinctive cultural styles and concerns that may not be addressed in many settings. In Testimony to the Exiles (Chalice Press), Methodist pastor Mark Feldmeir offers a collection of sermons written specifically to connect biblical truths with the needs and hurts of