The Joys of Growing Up

The Joys of Growing Up Sixth in a Series (March, 2003 POL) Topic: Grace Author: John A. Huffman, Jr., Pastor, St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Newport Beach, CA Title: The Joys of Growing Up Text: Galatians 4:3-5 The Apostle Paul is unrelenting as, under the influence of the Holy Spirit, he co

Exposing Our Needs

Exposing Our Needs Fifth in a Series (March, 2003 POL) Topic: The Law Author: John A. Huffman, Jr., Pastor, St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Newport Beach, CA Title: Exposing Our Needs Text: Galatians 3:26-29 Why is it so difficult for you and me to admit that we have a problem? We men are ch

When You Mess Up Big Time

When You Mess Up Big Time (Lectionary Starters) Fourth Sunday in Lent, Year B March 30, 2003 Numbers 21:4-9, John 3:14-21 Jim Killen, Aminister of the United Methodist Church, Beaumont, TX Have you ever realized that you have really messed up big time? If you have, you may be able to understa

Trust and Obey

Trust And Obey (Lectionary Starters) Third Sunday in Lent, Year B March 23, 2003 Exodus 20:1-17; Psalm 19 Jim Killen, Aminister of the United Methodist Church, Beaumont, TX There is a well loved old gospel song that says, "Trust and obey for there is no other way to be happy in Jesus but to tr

Jump and I’ll Catch You

The first thing that we must do to live in covenant with God is to trust God's promise and to dare to live our lives as if we believe God will keep his promise. This sermon on faith invites us to "venture out beyond our security zone" when God calls.

For Those Who Keep the Covenant

For Those Who Keep the Covenant (Lectionary Starters) First Sunday in Lent, Year B March 9, 2003 Genesis 9:8-17; 1 Peter 3:18-22 Jim Killen, A minister of the United Methodist Church, Beaumont, TX Do you ever wish that you could get rid of all of the tensions and conflicts in your life and liv

Remember the Epiphanies

Remember the Epiphanies(Lectionary Starters) Transfiguration Sunday, the last Sunday in Epiphany, Year BMarch 2, 2003Mark 9:2-9Jim Killen, A minister of the United Methodist Church, Beaumont, TX Have you been able to get "into" this whole matter of the changing of the seasons of the Church year? L

Spiritual Fruit

Strawberries are my favorite fruit. I even love strawberry plants, for once they preached a powerful sermon to me which I've never forgotten. I was on my hands and knees in my garden pulling weeks, when suddenly I noticed something I had seen hundreds of times before but never caught the lesson. It was the "runners"...

Faith on Earth?

Faith on Earth? (February, 2003 POL) Topic: Prayer Author: Rick Brand, Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Henderson, NC Title: Faith on Earth? Text: Luke 18:1-8 Edward Bennett Williams is one of those distinguished lawyers who comes from one of those blue blood families who end up heading up lo


I wrote my books because of a compulsion to make some record of a fascinating era in veterinary practice. I wanted to tell people what it was like to be an animal doctor in the days before penicillin and about the things which made me laugh on my daily rounds, working in conditions which now seem primitive. This compulsion,...