Church Attendance

Heads or Tails You heard about the golfer named Jones who was twenty minutes late at the first tee on Sunday morning and the other three members of the regular foursome were almost ready to drive off without him. "I agreed with my wife," explained Jones, "that this Sunday I'd toss a coin to see whe


In the US today, more people have three cars (19 percent) than own no cars (11 percent). Today 96 percent of American homes have a microwave, 20 percent have a home security system. And 55 percent own a home computer - twice the number of home PC's as in 1993. At the same time, some 1.4 million indi


The American Clergy Leadership Conference - a group founded by Unification Church leader Sun Myung Moon -- announced recently that it wanted to to promote reconciliation among Christians, Jews and Muslims, in part by examining how Christian traditions are understood by members of other religions. O

Rewards Of Faithfulness

Faith Conquers All J.H. Crowell went to work on a sailing vessel at the age of 16. He was the only Christian among a crew of 12. Before leaving home he had promised his mother he would continue his devotions and pray three times a day. When the other sailors discovered his piety, they taunted him a

Refining Influence Of Afflictions

Lost Wing Power A Beekeeper once told F.B. Meyer how some of the young bees are nurtured to ensure their healthy development. The queen lays each egg in a 6-sided cell which is filled with enough pollen and honey to feed upon until it reaches a certain stage of maturity. The top is then sealed with


Protect Your Child 1. Keep your child in sight at all times; when your child is away from you, know whom he or she is with and where. 2. Teach your child not to wander off and to avoid lonely places. 3. Establish strict procedures for picking your child up from school, at a friend's, after a movie

Rewards For Service

A newspaper article reminded me of the kind of "delayed returns" we should be living for. It told of a car dealer who went out of his way to give a foreign student an honest deal on a new automobile. Fifteen years later, the young man had become the sole purchasing agent for the Iranian Contractors

Purpose Of Life

The Mystery of Life I wish that life was as easily explained as that great philosopher of the comic strips, Charlie Brown, once deduced that it was. Lucy is saying to him, "Life is a mystery Charlie Brown…Do you know the answer?" Charlie Brown answered, "Be kind. Don't smoke. Be prompt. Smil


Parental Duty W.C. Fields had a philosophy about raising kids… When they are children, put them in a box with cut out holes in the sides… Whey they become youth, plug up the holes!

Example Of Lying

A little boy asked his mother, "Mommy, what is a lie?" His mother answered by saying, "Son, a lie is an abomination unto the Lord…but a very present help in time of need!" Sad to say too often we teach a similar pattern to our children. Let's be careful to model clearly what we teach with ou