Believer’s Duty Performed In Light

The Task A man had built a prosperous business through zealous toil and honest dealings. As he advanced in age, he felt concerned about the future of his enterprise because he had no close relatives except three nephews. One day he summoned the young men and said, "I have a problem and whoever come


The story is told of a man in China who raised horses for a living. When one of his prized stallions ran away, his friends gathered at his home to mourn his great loss. After they had expressed their concern, the man raised this question: "How do I know whether what happened is bad or good?" A coupl

Love Of Enemies

Can the gospel really dissolve deep-seated prejudices that have been hardened by centuries of hatred and strife? The experience of Yishael Allon of West Valley City, Utah, gives the answer. Yishael is Jewish. About 17 years ago, he met his cousin's wife Sandy, who was dying of leukemia. Peace fi

Pleasing Men

An old fable that has been passed down for generations tells about an elderly man who was traveling with a boy and a donkey. As they walked through a village the man was leading the donkey and the boy was walking behind. The townspeople said the old man was a fool for not riding, so to please them h

Ministers As Shepards

Rescuing the Flock A friend once told D.L. Moody just how the sheep in the Highlands of Scotland are rescued when they wander off and become stranded on a rocky crag. He said, "The vegetation on those mountains is so sweet that the sheep will jump down 10 or 12 feet to get it. Soon their bleating c

Answered Prayer

Many successful people have acknowledged in their memoirs that whenever they came to an impasse in their work and were completely baffled, they sought wisdom from the Lord. This was true in the life of the inventor of the telegraph, Samuel F.B. Morse. In an interview, George Hervey inquired, "Pr

Love Enjoined

People are unreasonable, illogical and self-centered. Love them anyway. If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives. Do good anyway. If you are successful, you will win false friends and true enemies. Succeed anyway. Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable. Be honest and fr


Casey Stengel said: "It's easy to get good players. Gettin' 'em to play together, that's the hard part." Thanks Casey. What's true in baseball is also true in the ministry of the local church.  


D.L. Moody described love as "the dome of the temple of the graces" and as "the crown of crowns worn by the triune God." "We cannot work for God without love," he observed. "It is the only tree that can produce fruit on this sin-cursed earth, that is acceptable to God. If I have no love for God

Sacrificial Love

On August 16, 1987, Northwest Airlines flight 225 crashed just after taking off from the Detroit airport, killing 155 people, One survived: a four-year-old from Tempe, Arizona, named Cecelia. News accounts say when rescuers found Cecelia they did not believe she had been on the plane. Investigators