Illustration: Service, the Poor Richard W. Jensen A lesson from Mother Teresa...One of life's greatest lessons is about how to follow Jesus' ministry to the poor. READ MORE
And Finally: Create Your Own Snow Day Richard W. Jensen The weather not to your liking? Post your own weather notice, but be prepared to pay the consequences. READ MORE
Preaching Story as Story Richard W. Jensen Humans are built to like and enjoy stories, so it makes sense that preaching should be done in the form of a story. READ MORE
Failure Isn’t Failure…Depending on What You and God Do Next Richard W. Jensen When you fail or fall, what's your next move? It all depends on your attitude. READ MORE
The Message Remains the Same, but the Methods Must Change Todd Wagner In what ways do you tell God's story to the saved and lost in your circles of influence? READ MORE
Illustration: God Shows Through Richard W. Jensen If God lives within our hearts, then He should be who people see in our outward behavior. READ MORE
God Redeeming His Bride Richard W. Jensen Are there pitcalls within the realm of church discipline? Here's a resource to help be mindful of them. READ MORE
Unfinished: Filling the Hole in Our Gospel Richard W. Jensen Does the gospel you know and preach have holes that need to be filled? READ MORE