Parental Influence

Near a church in Kansas, there can be seen in a cement sidewalk the prints of two baby feet with the toes pointing toward the Church. It was said that many years ago, when the sidewalk was being laid, a mother secured permission to stand her baby boy on the wet cement. The tracks are seen today plai


Senator Jim Talent says he prayed to trust Jesus as his Savior in response to an invitation he heard on the radio. The Missouri Republican gave his Christian testimony at a National Day of Prayer event this month on Capitol Hill. Talent said he was not raised in any faith, but began reading the Bi


A few years ago a friend of ours visited with hotel entrepreneur Conrad Hilton. As they separated an exchange of calling cards took place. Our friend shares Mr. Hilton's quote, "Food for Thought," which appears on the card: "In 1923, a very important meeting was held at the Edgewater Beach Hotel in


New disappointments hit the headlines every day. In fact, one of the latest letdowns involved 106 public officials in New York. After a sting operation to uncover graft, U.S. Attorney Rudolph Guiliani made the following statement, "On 106 occasions, bribes were offered or discussed. On 105 of those


One winter's day, a woodsman saw a snake lying nearly dead in the snow. He picked it up, put it inside his shirt to keep it warm, and hurried home. He lay the snake in front of the fire, where it gradually warmed up and revived. One of the woodsman's children reached down to pet it, but the snak


For most of us, using a password to gain access to something is a daily reality. We use passwords to log on to computers, or to withdraw money from our bank accounts. Life can get a bit complicated when we forget these passwords! In a certain sense, Jesus is like our password to gain access to God.


Perhaps one of the hardest aspects of the Christian faith to understand is the Incarnation. How can Jesus be fully divine and fully human? There is nothing else like this in all the universe-infinite glory somehow compressed into the limitations of humanity. Charles Wesley captures something of


Edith Schaeffer once observed, "It is so important not to waste what is precious by spending all one's time and emotion on fretting or complaining over what one does not have."


One type of hyssop is a small, hardy shrub. Another is an herb from the basil family, somewhat bitter and mint-flavored. Tourists to Israel are purportedly sold this "hyssop" in small jars, though since it is a protected plant in Israel the jars frequently contain a blend of other Mediterranean

Christ – Indwelling

I know Bible metaphors are sometimes lost on children, but I temporarily forgot the day my 3-year-old volunteered during lunch, "I got Jesus in my heart." "That's great," I replied. "It makes me happy to know you love Jesus like Daddy and I do." He took a few more bites of his peanut butter and je