Earthly Happiness

Under Construction Most of us have experienced what happens to motorists when one of those huge graders goes to work on a highway repair job. When the machine is operating on a busy road, traffic is halted and the cars lined up in opposite directions are allowed to proceed alternately. A veteran op


Our plight is much like the story that has been told of the two teardrops who met while traveling along the river of life. One said, "I am a teardrop from a woman who met the man of her dreams and lost him." The other replied, "I am a teardrop from the woman who found him." Today in the Word,


When Mother Teresa of India visited Los Angeles a few years ago, a physician named Gerald Jampolski heard her speak. Attracted by the spiritual power that emanated from her, he asked her, 'Would it be all right if I accompanied you on your coming tour to Mexico? Whenever I am around you, I feel the

Communication And Understanding

A woman was visiting a relative who was stationed in Germany. She assumed that most Germans would speak English, but found that many people spoke only their native tongue - including the ticket inspector on the train. He punched her ticket, then chatted cordially for a bit, making gestures like a wi


Outreach is a task assigned to the church by Christ, but it's easy to lose our sense of urgency when we lose sight of the overall picture. I am reminded of the digging of the Panama Canal. Over a period of decades, several major attempts failed to finish the job. Finally, one effort carved throug


An experiment was conducted in which six bees and six flies were placed inside a bottle. The bottle was turned on its side with its base facing the light coming through the window. At the other end, the mouth of the bottle was open. In that situation it was discovered that bees will persist in tryi


A Yale University President some years ago gave this advice to a former president of Ohio State, "Always be kind to you're A and B students. Someday one of them will return to your campus as a good professor. And also be kind to your C students. Some day one of them will return and build a two-milli

Concealment Of Sin

Columnist Bob Green of the Chicago Tribune has a theory about what's wrong with the world. He blames it on what he calls the "Death of The Permanent Record." He recalls that grade school children once lived in fear of having their bad behavior noted on The Permanent Record. Because of this peopl

Promises Concerning The Resurrection

The promise of the resurrection was especially comforting to a woman named Freida Barkman after her 15-year-old foster son, Vernon, was killed in an accident. Afraid that he would soon be forgotten by most of his friends, she was writing feverishly, hoping she could in some way help to keep alive th

Doors Of Evil

Trick or Treat The modern custom of "Trick or Treat" began in Ireland hundreds of years ago. A group of farmers went from house to house begging food for the village Halloween festivities in the name of their ancient gods. Good luck was promised to generous donors, and threats were made against tho