Faith: Look Up!

"Look up! Lift up your heads!" says this sermon on faith. Jesus still lives; the Holy Spirit is yet at work; God is still on the throne. Things may go so terribly wrong that the holiest center of life seems violated and defiled and spoiled. Look up. This is the worst and most sinister danger: that we, looking down, will be content to live in the lowlands of doubt and fear and defeat.

Exposing Spiritual Abuse Chat

Could you or someone you care about be caught in a spiritually abusive church? Learn to read the warning signs and how to break free and heal from this experience in the transcripts of our Chat with Pastor Mike Fehlauer, author of "<A href="" target=new>Exposing Spiritual Abuse</A>."


"Perhaps the best we can do in our fifty-something years is sound the wake-up call to our family members and deepen our relationships with them. Fifty-something can be a time when your family floats away from you with no imminent return in sight, or it can be a time of making a concerted effort at pulling your loved ones...


In the Alleghenies Mountains a hunter mistakenly shot a large eagle. Usually they soar far above the hunter's range, but not this time. When the hunter examined the bird, he discovered an interesting thing. One of the claws of the big bird held firmly a strong steel trap and a five-foot chain Attached! The trap and the chain were...


The professor challenged his students to get to know someone they didn't already know. One of the football players felt a gentle touch on his shoulder and as he turned found a wrinkled, little old lady beaming up at him. A smile lit her entire being. She said, "Hello handsome. My name is Rose and I'm eighty-seven years old....

Church – Transforming Society

Howard Snyder in his book, The Community of the King, shares that the eternal Church of Jesus Christ is a leavening influence on society. He says that the Church is not to be misinterpreted as a primary means to the transforming of society. He states, "This would be to trample over the uniqueness and infinite worth to God of ...


Julius Caesar took a decisive step to ensure victory in Britain when he invaded that territory. As the legions marched up the cliffs of Dover, Caesar had them pause and look down into the water below. They stood in disbelief as they saw every ship that crossed the channel completely engulfed in flames. Caesar had them...

Jennifer Knapp Chat

Someone asked Jennifer in our live Chat, "What do you do to help keep you accountable on a spiritual level? Especially when you travel." Read the transcript to see her response.


The wives who lived within the walls of Weinsberg Castle in Germany were aware of the riches it held: gold, silver, jewels -- wealth beyond belief. The day came in 1141 AD when all their treasure was threatened. An enemy army surrounded the castle and demanded the fortress, the fortune and the lives of the men inside the...