Ideas Ought to Be Defended: An Apologetic for Apologetic Preaching Daniel Young Apologetics is the practice of defending the reasons we believe what we believe about Christ and His gospel. READ MORE
The Incarnation and Preaching Josh Elliott Preachers have the great privilege and responsibility to bring the Word of God to His created beings. READ MORE
Six Ways to Include Apologetics in Your Weekly Messages Wade Bearden Give people more to think about besides, "I said so; the Bible says so; and that's final." Help them know why Christians believe what they believe about God, Jesus and the gospel. READ MORE
The Lost World of Scripture: Ancient Literary Culture and Biblical Authority Richard W. Jensen Exploratory work on God's revelation in His Word. READ MORE
Preaching in Hitler’s Shadow: Sermons of Resistance in the Third Reich Richard W. Jensen Would you preach a message that could lead to your death? READ MORE
Illustration: Snow Humor Richard W. Jensen Though we may not see them, there are others worse off than ourselves. READ MORE
Illustration: Suicide by the Numbers Richard W. Jensen More people are losing their lives to suicide than automobile accidents. READ MORE
Growing Smaller? Richard W. Jensen Worshippers are trending toward smaller spaces to commune with God and one another. READ MORE