Missional Preaching Is Kingdom Preaching Sam S. Rainer III Missions and the kingdom of God are the one and the same, and such preaching should be indicative of this fact. READ MORE
Illustration: Transportation, Getting There Sam S. Rainer III Something was lost in translation... READ MORE
Illustration: Trusting God Sam S. Rainer III From discipline to duty, Gen. Patton gets to lead... READ MORE
How the Church Has Become Like Augusta National Andy Clapp Churches with the wordview of the Pharisees are as elitist as The Masters-the antithesis of what Jesus calls them to be. READ MORE
Swindoll, Charles R. Saying It Well: Touching Others with Your Words Panel Review Charles Swindoll is a favorite pastor among those who listen to and admire his messages and ministry. His most recent book provides a glimpse inside how he learned to develop sermons and say them so well. READ MORE
Illustration: Mothers Day Sam S. Rainer III The congregation wants to hear about Mother on her special day. READ MORE
Loving Christ or Culture? Sam S. Rainer III Our culture pushes worship of itself, compelling many Christians to think and behave as the world around them. READ MORE
Saying It Well: Touching Others with Your Words Sam S. Rainer III If you're seeking an effective book about communicating well, Chuck Swindoll offers some valuable insight. READ MORE