Illustration: Sacrifice Sam S. Rainer III One man gave the ultimate sacrifice: his life for another. READ MORE
Illustration: Easter Sam S. Rainer III Do you believe the evidence, or do you trust more in legends? READ MORE
Illustration: Comfort, Compassion Sam S. Rainer III Sacrifice of health leads to identifying with others for the sake of ministry and the gospel. READ MORE
Do We Need More Doctrinal Preaching? Sam S. Rainer III Attention needs to be given to what we're teaching the congregation each Sunday and the substance provided in the sermon. READ MORE
Writers Wanted! We are seeking writers to provide content for the top-rated site related to preaching. READ MORE
Illustration: Marriage Sam S. Rainer III What is manly behavior, and what is gentlemanly behavior? One husband learns a lesson in humility. READ MORE
Illustration: Direction, Circumstances Sam S. Rainer III Where are you going, and how do you get there when the going seems to be against you? READ MORE
Illustration: Biblical Literacy Sam S. Rainer III What's in a question? Not the typical Sunday School answer. How well do your church leaders know the Bible from which they live and preach? READ MORE
Illustration: Defeat, Disappointment Sam S. Rainer III Runner does not cry about lost gold, but celebrates the win of bronze. READ MORE