Back Page Pulpit: A Name Is a Name Is a

The President of the Southern Baptist Convention has proposed considering a name change for the SBC. It's not the first time such a change has been considered. Since the denomination started expanding beyond the Southeast and Southwest after World War II, there have been suggestions the name should be changed to reflect a more national network of churches.

Illustration: Integrity

In his book The President is a Sick Man, Matthew Alge tells the story of a man who in August of 1893 wrote a story in which he claimed the President of the United States Grover Cleveland had cancer. He went on to tell of a risky and secret operation to the president's jaw performed on a yacht. The man was Elisha Jay Edwards, and his story appeared in the Philadelphia Press.

Leading Today: Bringing Out the Best in Others

When you build a solid team, you double or triple your effectiveness. When you inspire that team to pursue excellence, reaching for God's best in every endeavor, the ripple effect will last for all eternity. Here's what you as the leader can do to bring out the best in those around you.

Studying the Word: 2011 Survey of Bibles and Bible Reference

The biggest news in books and Bibles this year has been the 400th anniversary of the publication of the King James Version. Many today fail to recognize the pervasive, worldwide impact this one translation has had as it became the book of the English empire just as that empire spread to the ends of the earth, taking with it the KJV. The publication of this translation is one of the keys being led by it. Quite appropriately several books have been published this year on the King James Version.