Mary Poppins said, "Promises easily made are easily broken." Our culture seems to reflect that sentiment. Corporations promise integrity to stockholders, only later to be caught embezzling. Spouses promise "til death do us part," but rush to a divorce lawyer at the first hint of real trouble. Pastors promise moral fidelity and later fall victim to the most grievous acts of unfaithfulness. It can lead one to wonder if anyone keeps promises anymore.
In a Garfield comic, we see Garfield looking at a December calendar. He says, "It's the holiday season. I just love this time of year. It makes me feel greedy all over."
Carolina County magazine once asked readers to send in stories of memorable Christmases. Revonda Starnes told one of the most memorable stories. Revonda was raised by her great-grandmother in severe poverty. She grew up being confused as to why Santa visited everyone else, but not her.
In the Summer of 1988, I was a rising junior at a Baptist college in Georgia and an excited new Christian. A Christian co-worker had told me about his sister-in-law, a student at a large state university. At his insistence, I called her and set up a blind date. I arrived at her apartment and was shocked to learn my friend had told the truth: She was beautiful!
Russell H. Conwell is best known for a motivational speech called "Acres of Diamonds," delivered it about 6,000 times in more than six decades on the lecture circuit; but when he became a Christian, he grew to become also a notable pastor and preacher while continuing a full schedule of lecturing. A contemporary of Spurgeon, Moody and Phillips Brooks, he was unlike any of them except in his ability to reach people from the pulpit.
We live in a sex-crazed culture. About 65 percent of America's teens have sex by the time they finish high school. According to the 2000 census, the number of unmarried couples living together has increased tenfold between 1960 and 2000, and 72 percent between 1990 and 2000. Fifty-two percent of American women have sex before turning 18, and 75 percent have sex before they get married.