Learning the Seasons of the Soul

Time is important to us. When you were in school, you spent a lot of time trying to learn how to tell time. Now, a lot of you are at a disadvantage because you've grown up in the digital age and clocks tell you what time it is. Your watch will beep; a digital voice will call out the hour. You don't have to tell time. The time tells you.

Sermon Application: How Does It Work?

Engaging exposition that is faithful to Scripture not only will explain the text; it also of biblical and theological necessity will apply the text. Unfortunately, this area displays some homiletical confusion so the church has suffered. On one hand, topical and felt-needs preaching gives significant attention to application, but it fails to expound the text and provide the necessary biblical and theological grounding for the application. On the other hand, some expositors of the Bible provide a running commentary on the text, but neglect to show the relevance of the text for the eagerly listening audience that is desperate for a word from God that will educate the mind, motivate the heart and activate the will.

Life-Changing Bible Verses You Should Know

Life-Changing Bible Verses You Should Know (Harvest House) by Erwin and Rebecca Lutzer is just what the title indicates: a survey of more than 100 key biblical verses that speak directly to life issues. This will be a good resource for small group studies or to share with others as a devotional guide.

A Light to the Nations: The Missional Church and the Biblical Story

Being missional is more than the latest buzzword. It is a reflection of the hunger of many leaders to rediscover the biblical mission of the church. Michael Goheen's new book A Light to the Nations: The Missional Church and the Biblical Story (Baker Academic) provides a valuable understanding of the missional identity of the church in light of the biblical revelation. He also explores the practical implications of this truth for the contemporary church.

Getting to Know the Class of 2015

Want to better understand the generation that started college this fall? Each year Beloit College assembles its Mindset List for that year's new students, offering insights into the life experience of the emerging generation. This year's full list can be found online. Here are some of the more interesting characteristics of the Class of 2015:

Illustration: Heaven, Cats

One day, a cat died of natural causes and went to heaven, where he meets the Lord. The Lord says to the cat, "You lived a good life, and if there is any way I can make your stay in heaven more comfortable, please let Me know."

Illustration: Compassion, Service

On May 2, 1962, a dramatic advertisement appeared in the San Francisco Examiner: "I don't want my husband to die in the gas chamber for a crime he did not commit. I will therefore offer my services for 10 years as a cook, maid or housekeeper to any leading attorney who will defend him and bring about his vindication."