What They Didn’t Teach You in Seminary

Anyone who spent time in theological seminary knows that even with all the knowledge you gained the list of things you didn't learn is even longer. That's why What They Didn't Teach You in Seminary (Baker Books) by James Emery White is such a valuable resource for pastors and church leaders.

Theological Thoughts from a Thunderstorm

Thunderstorms are threatening, but the theology surrounding them can be thrilling! The term theological refers to something that is of or pertaining to the field of theology. Theology is the study of the nature of God and true religion. This word comes from a combination of two words, theo meaning "God" and logy meaning "study."

Church Planter

Church Planter: The Man, the Message, the Mission (Crossway) by Darrin Patrick is an excellent survey of the theological foundations and the practical issues relating to church planting. Whether you are planning to plant or thinking of sponsoring a church plant, you'll find this to be a valuable resource.

Illustration: Testing, Temptation

As the Union Pacific Railroad was being constructed, an elaborate trestle bridge was built across a large canyon in the west. Wanting to test the bridge, the builder loaded a train with enough extra cars and equipment to double its normal payload. The train was then driven to the middle of the bridge, where it stayed an entire day.

Authority of the Word

Can we rely on the authority of God's Word in preaching even if the listener does not accept that authority? In a recent article for Preaching Today, James MacDonald says, "God's Word is supernatural. We make a big mistake if we think God's Word can't have authority until the hearer accepts its authority. When the Bible promises about itself that it is sharper than any two-edged sword, what it's saying is that it pierces, that it cuts to the heart. It separates joints and marrow; it is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart."

Illustration: Speed, Progress

Two New York city slickers tired of life in the city and bought a West Texas ranch. They wanted to live like their ancestors. These New Yorkers asked their neighboring rancher if he had a mule for sale. He didn't, but they started chatting, and the slickers noticed some honeydew melons piled up against the barn. They asked what they were, and the rancher decided to have a little fun. He told them they were mule eggs; if they wanted to buy one, it would hatch, and they would have a mule. The asking price was $50. Boy, what a deal!

Illustration: Lord’s Prayer

In his new book The Prayer God Longs For (InterVarsity), James Emery White says, "When we pray, we are to pray for God's kingdom, God's will, not only to come into our lives and take root, but through us to spread throughout the earth. God's kingdom was announced by Jesus and makes its way into the world from that beachhead as individuals give their hearts and lives to Christ. In that sense God's kingdom has arrived, and we have brought into that kingdom as believers; but the full consummation lies ahead. So to pray the kingdom will come is to pray His kingdom will grow as we pursue our witness to Jesus and live lives of salt and light. So with the Great Commission comes a cultural commission. We pray for the kingdom to take hold on the planet, in governments and institutions, judicial systems and media."