
Church leaders who enjoy the history of theology will appreciate the new book Athanasius: Foundations of Theological Exegesis and Christian Spirituality (Baker Academic) by Peter J. Leihart. This volume deals with the thought of the fourth-century church father, and brings the ancient theologian into dialogue with contemporary thinkers.

10 Things Jesus Never Said

Pastor Will Davis Jr. is author of 10 Things Jesus Never Said and Why You Should Stop Believing Them (Revell), which offers a great idea for a sermon series. He addresses commonly held misconceptions such as "You're Too Far Gone to Be Saved" and "You Missed My Will for Your Life."

The Living Church

John Stott is one of the most influential Christian leaders of recent generations, and his insights should be welcomed by pastors of any generation. His book The Living Church: Convictions of a Lifelong Pastor (IVP) is now available in paperback, and offers Stott's insights on the nature and mission of the church.

Illustration: Cleansing from Sin

In a recent edition of the Daily Hope with Rick Warren email newsletter, Jon Walker writes: "Jasmine is my beautiful and tenderhearted dog (cockapoo). She knows it is wrong to go near an old barn that's on the edge of my property, but she saw a black cat run behind it and took off for a playful chase.

Follow the Tone of the Text

In a recent article for, John Piper writes: "What tone should you aim at in preaching? My answer is: Pursue the tone of the text. Let it be informed, not muted, by the tonal balance of Jesus and the apostles and by the gospel of grace." Piper then lists 10 explanatory notes; here are the first four:

Gregory of Nazianzus

Gregory was one of the famous Cappadocian theologians, family friend of Basil of Caesarea, Gregory of Nyssa, and their sister, Macrina. Gregory served as Bishop of Constantinople from A.D. 379 to 381, and presided over the Council of Constantinople in the year A.D. 381 (the year this sermon was preached), which re-affirmed the Creed of Nicaea, as well as expanding it to clarify the church's doctrine of the deity of the Holy Spirit, affirming the Spirit as fully God, who receives worship together with the Father and the Son.

Illustration: Resurrection

It was Easter Sunday and the pastor gathered the children at the front of the church to ask them about the meaning of Easter. The pastor was disappointed as he listened to the first response: "Easter is the day the Easter Bunny comes and kids look for hidden eggs and eat chocolate."

Illustration: Mirror, Reflection

The first mirrors were made from highly polished metals such as copper or brass. Since the 1600s, mirrors have been made from plate glass with a backing of silver covered by coatings of copper, lacquer, and paint. Mirrors do not transmit light, but reflect it.