Proper 26 (A): Moving by Faith

Transitional moments come with growing up: the changes from childhood to adolescence, adolescence to adulthood. At other times these transitions are artificial. The ages of 16, 40 and 65 have significant implications. Transitional moments can be forced on people-divorce, relocation, early retirement, job loss.

Proper 25 (A): Maintaining Relationships on the Run

In many respects, an elevator filled with people is a microcosm of our world today: a large, impersonal institution where anonymity, isolation and independence are the uniform of the day. It shows we can be surrounded, yet not experience community. We can be a part of a company, a club or a church and not feel we belong or that we are accepted. We can share a carpool, an office, even a home and not have significant relationships.

Bible: The Story of the King James Version

This week I presented a lecture on the legacy and influence of the King James Bible (in conjunction with this year's 400th anniversary of its publication). One of the books that provided a wealth of information and insight is Bible: The Story of the King James Version (Oxford University Press) by Gordon Campbell.

Incandescence: Light Shed Through the Word

It's not a new book, but I recently came across a copy of Incandescence: Light Shed Through the Word (Eerdmans) by Ben Witherington III and wanted to share it with you. Most of us know Witherington as a gifted New Testament scholar and theological writer; but before the academic life...

The Truth Shall Make You Odd

As pastors, speaking with integrity can put you in awkward and challenging situations. In his new book The Truth Shall Make You Odd (Brazos Press), Frank Honeycutt draws on 25 years of pastoral experience to offer counsel on speaking truth in the difficult times.