To Illustrate: Christ

A little bit of prose has been making its way across the Internet. It has travelled the length and breadth of the Facebook world. As of yet, the author has not been definitively identified. Here is what it says:

Back Page Pulpit: Back on the Field

It's that time of year when all those professional baseball players put away their recliners and munchies, step away from the big-screen TV, and start stretching and warming up for the new season. Yes, spring training time has arrived.

To Illustrate: Adversity

Dave Dillon, CEO of the Kroger Company, recently told a story about an employee who inspired him. His name is Steve Martinez. Steve is the store manager at one of the company's stores in Wichita. Several months before Dillon met him, Steve experienced a serious illness.

Young Mr. Spurgeon

By the middle of 1852, a young minister serving in the quaint and pastoral village of Waterbeach, located just a few miles from Cambridge, England, was becoming a minor local celebrity-a prologue to a much bigger story to come. There was a chapel in another hamlet not far away, overseen by a faithful servant of God who was well more than 80 years old. The congregants purposed to have a special service to mark their pastor's anniversary at their church.

The Essential Edwards Collection

Many are the books written about Jonathan Edwards, but rarely has Edwards work been presented in such a manageable form as in The Essential Edwards Collection from Moody Press. Edited by Owen Strachan and Douglas Sweeney, these five small volumes present Edwards' thought on several key topics:

Magnifying God in Christ

Magnifying God in Christ (Baker Academic) by Thomas Schreiner is a summary of New Testament theology. This smaller volume digests many of the insights from Schreiner's massive New Testament Theology.