What do Americans think about God? That's the focus of America's Four Gods (Oxford Univ. Press), by Paul Froese and Christopher Bader and based on a major survey of Americans' religious beliefs.
In a recent Turning Point devotional, David Jeremiah writes: "A 1970 film, by the same name as the novel on which it was based, Love Story, became famous for its tag line: 'Love means never having to say you're sorry.''"
In a recent article for his Ministry Toolbox newsletter, Rick Warren points out a number of benefits that churches receive from "big day" attendance emphases. Among these:
Thomas Troeger is a professor of Christian Communication at Yale Divinity School and has written extensively on preaching and worship for many years. In his book Wonder Reborn: Creating Sermons on Hymns, Music and Poetry (Oxford University Press)...
Steven Furtick is pastor of one of America's 10 fastest-growing churches and an emerging leader among young pastors. His first book is Sun Stand Still (Multnomah)...
With his request approved, the CNN News cameraman quickly used his cell phone to call the local airport to charter a flight. He was told a twin-engine plane would be waiting for him at the airport.
Wilmer McLean owned a home near Bull Run. His house was seriously damaged during the opening battle of the Civil War, and so, falsely believing he would be safer from future conflicts, he rebuilt his home -- only to have it destroyed during the second battle of Bull Run.
In an article at his Practical Shepherding blog, Brian Croft says it is precisely the hard work involved in preaching preparation that we should celebrate. He writes: