Sermon Illustration: Communication

Those who preach and communicate for the cause of Christ always will want to know something about their audience. It is always instructive to learn something about the culture of young adults, a group the church is desperate to reach. Every year, Beloit College issues the "Beloit College Mindset" list. It tells about the world in which the incoming college students have grown up. Here are some insights from the 2010 list, which represents the class of 2014:

Sermon Illustration: Christmas

Robert Louis Stevenson wrote this prayer for Christmas: "Loving Father, help us remember the birth of Jesus, that we may share in the song of angels, the gladness of the shepherds and the worship of the wise men. Close the door of hate, and open the door of love all over the world...

Seventh Sunday after Epiphany: Which Book Are You Living By

In the John Wayne classic The Quiet Man, Wayne's character must battle his love interest's brother, Red Danaher. Danaher is an Irish landowner with few friends and a long list of enemies. In fact, one of Danaher's cronies is tasked with maintaining the list. When offended, Danaher will cry out, "Take out your book." His crony brandishes the book and Danaher dictates the offender's name. Recording the name is not sufficient retribution. After the name is written down, Danaher proclaims, "Now strike a line through it!"