Back Page Pulpit: The In-Between Times

Today I preached in a church which has two morning services. One starts at 8:15, then the church has Sunday School at 9:30 and the second service at 10:45. My preaching duties include both services, but what do you do in the in-between times?

Scripture by Heart

Memorizing Scripture can be a powerful devotional tool for the believer, according to pastor Joshua Choonmin Kang. In his book Scripture by Heart: Devotional Practices for Memorizing God's Word (IVP), we learn again the spiritual depth that can come through Scripture memorization.

Costly Grace

In his new book Costly Grace (Leafwood Publishers), Jon Walker revisits Dietrich Bonhoeffer's classic book The Cost of Discipleship to explore the challenge of living in grace and walking with Christ in our own day.

Illustration: Meals, Company

The boss and his wife were coming over for dinner, and little Mary was helping by setting the table. She finished just as the company arrived, and as the guests came in and everyone sat down, Mother noticed something was missing.

No Pulpit Endorsements

A recent LifeWay Research survey indicates that although Protestant pastors clearly maintain personal political opinions, 84 percent disagree (70 percent strongly and 14 percent somewhat) with the statement, "I believe pastors should endorse candidates for public office from the pulpit."