During a Christian conference, I worked late on the worship PowerPoint slides. Please note the "D" and "F" keys are next to each other on the keyboard and spell checkers do not catch wrong words used in the correct context.
In an Aug. 26, 2003, op-ed piece in The Wall Street Journal, Peter Mullen, Rector of St. Michael's Church in Cornhill and chaplain of the London Stock Exchange, writes, "The issue of homosexuality is only one prominent aspect of a failure of nerve on the part of the church in the West. We have ceased to believe our ancient God-given authority."
In How the Resurrection Changes Everything (Crossway), British pastor (and popular blogger) Adrian Warnock explores the significance and implications of the resurrection of Christ.
The Veritas Forum has provided a setting through which many insightful speakers have engaged in discussions of life's deepest questions on university campuses. In A Place for Truth (IVP)...
Charles W. Fuller takes to task the famous Phillips Brooks' definition of preaching as "truth through personality." In his book The Trouble with Truth Through Personality (Wipf & Stock)...
In a recent issue of his One Minute Uplift newsletter, Rick Ezell writes: "The pages of history are lined with individuals encountering negative setbacks only to make something positive out of them. They are better for it. In many cases so are we."
Thom Rainer and his son Jess have a book coming out in January called The Millennials. The book is based on a major research study regarding the generation born between 1980 and 2000, though they focus primarily on the latter part of that generation. In a recent entry at his blog, Rainer writes:
As the father of two boys (14 and 10), a recent article at CNN.com caught my attention. In it, author Kenda Creasy Dean argues that most teenagers in American churches have a case of "fake" Christianity. Some excerpts: