Christ the King (C): Remember Who You Know

Have you grown accustomed to knowing Jesus? The opening verse of our passage reveals that knowing and following Jesus is intended to be a life of continuous and joyful thanks-as though one just can't get over it and constantly collapses to his or her knees in overwhelming gratitude. The attentive Christian can restore that sort of joy to life by remembering what God has done: 1) "[He] has qualified us to share in the inheritance of the saints; (2) rescued us from the domain of darkness; (3) and transferred us to His Kingdom, where we have redemption and forgiveness of sins." The reason a Christian has such a superior standing is because Christ Himself is the Supreme Being. Paul described four basic aspects of Christ's supremacy.

Proper 28 (C): Window of Opportunity

In our text today, Peter, James and John ask three questions: 1) When will the temple be destroyed? 2) What will be the sign of His coming? 3) What will be the end of the age? Our Lord's reply is what we today call "The Olivet Discourse" and is expanded in Matthew 24 and 25.

Proper 27 (C): The Big Question

I recently had a conversation with a young self-proclaimed Pluralist. We sat at a small, wrought iron table outside a coffee shop discussing life. He boasted of his ability to think freely about the universe, and he tenaciously opposed the possibility that truth was anything other than relative to the individual.

You Might Need a Preaching Calendar If

You Might Need a Preaching Calendar If " You find yourself desperately scrambling to put some thoughts together Friday or Saturday night so you will have something to say on Sunday. " You are downloading other preachers' sermons and trying to pass them off as your own. " Your schedule does not allow you to do proper biblical exegesis. " Your sermons suffer from a lack of creativity and diversity and have become boring and predictable. " You have learned that leading a church in a new direction will require more than just one sermon. " You want to make sure your preaching is providing a well-balanced and nourishing menu to help your people grow spiritually.

Leading Today: What Attila the Hun Can Teach Us

For centuries, the resilient Roman Empire withstood every attack from history's most formidable foes. Through it all, the proud empire never wavered. Then, out of the steppes of Central Asia, came an invasion of unorthodox, nomadic tribes throwing Rome into disarray and ultimately to its ruin. The Huns had arrived.