From the Heart of a Father

It's a little late for Fathers Day, but you'll still enjoy Jerry Drace's book From the Heart of a Father (Dove Inspirational Press). Drace (who has written for Preaching on several occasions) offers biblical counsel to fathers on topics ranging finances to sexual purity.

Illustration: Second Coming

David Jeremiah writes: "The Diamond Wedding Gown, offered exclusively by a chic bridal salon in Beverly Hills, can be yours for only $12 million. It's the most expensive wedding dress in the world, and it's bedecked with 150 carats of diamonds. If that's over your budget, you might consider the world's second most expensive wedding dress. It comes in at a mere $8.5 million and features 1,000 pearls and a rare five-carat white gold diamond."

Preaching with Unction

Ben Awbrey points out that "D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones defined unction as an access of power. To amplify his perception of unction, Lloyd-Jones said it is "God giving power and enabling through the Spirit to the preacher in order that he may do this work in a manner that lifts it up beyond the efforts and endeavors of man to a position in which the preacher is being used by the Spirit and becomes the channel through whom the Spirit works.

Bible Women

When I was in India teaching, I encountered many strange and exotic things. It is said that India assaults all of your senses at once. This was in a way true for me. There I found something -- or someone -- who I recognized. I want to talk to you about her. I found her coming to me in several persons.

Proper 25 Ministry Readiness

I remember that as I was growing up, my parents went deer hunting each fall at Sportsman's Haven, leaving my brother and me at home. Hearing about the hunting lodge and cabins always seemed so exciting. Then one summer, Dad said we were taking a family vacation there. On the trip we frequently asked, "Are we there yet?" Finally we turned onto a dirt road, and Dad announced, "It's at the end of the road." What excitement! Similarly, Paul reached the end of his road. As he did, he encouraged his friend Timothy with two key truths about ministry readiness.

Proper 24 Preaching God’s Word

The American Psychological Association Manual is the format for writers within the social sciences. It instructs authors that when citing a source, always put the date of publication immediately following the source's name. The premise is that the most recent documents are the most important. However, some old sources maintain credible (i.e., the Bible reigns supreme). Paul knew that and encouraged Timothy to remember this foundational truth. Paul reminded him of two critical principles in ministry related to God's Word. We Must Persist in God's Word (3:14-17). We need to remember what to do and why to do it.

Proper 23 The Grateful Leper

Our passage today helps us assess our gratitude as it points out certain characteristics essential in developing an attitude of gratitude. These lepers help us see ourselves and where we are on the "G.Q." ladder. The take-home principle in this story is: Gratitude to Jesus deepens as our awareness of spiritual estrangement becomes personal. Three key words unfold the story of the Grateful Leper.

Proper 22 Faithing the Giants

Our passage today deals with two giants that seriously attack our faith: unforgiveness and pride. Although battling these giants is not as glamorous as public displays of faith such as healing or prophecy, they are critical and cannot be defeated without an infusion of faith. You could say our only hope for victory is not by facing the giants, but by faithing the giants.