Proper 21 Dead Men Don’t Lie

Our passage brings us face to face with His most specific anecdotal teaching on death, which lies ahead for all humans. He gives us a firsthand account of two who died and what it was like. According to Jesus, there are only two options: heaven and hell. As we look at the eyewitness account, we will be confronted with four facts about hell. Remember, dead men don't lie.

Proper 20 Keeping Up Appearances

This parable is a rogues' gallery of contemptible characters. The absentee landlord who takes no responsibility for the direct oversight of that which has been entrusted to him, the shrewd steward who embezzles and then draws would-be debtors into his labyrinth of deception-and their willingness to go along. All in all, the canon would have been just fine without these cameo appearances.

Preaching Points: Fill-in-the-Blank Sermons

There is no easy way to answer the question: "Should the preacher provide interactive outlines which the congregation can use to fill in the blanks?" So much depends on the personality of the preacher and the style of delivery. The same goes for the congregation. Some on the left-brain end of the spectrum learn best by cybernetic activities such as filling in blanks. Those on the right-brained end of things like a little more conversational style married to more jolting, creative techniques of learning.

The Puppy Principle

If you want to learn to put people first, study the actions and reactions of a puppy. Puppies have the five characteristics that people-first leaders simply must learn to posses.

Back Page Pulpit: The $1 Million Question

On the radio this morning I learned about something that made me say, "Wow." It seems that motivational speaker/author Tony Robbins has a special offer for his biggest (and richest) fans. For just $1 million, Robbins will give you his personal phone number, and you can call him for counsel and encouragement as much as you would like for a year.

Proper 19 Reckless Reclamation

Ah, the Sunday after Labor Day. This is the first time since the beginning of summer break that some of you have been in worship. I was tempted to examine today's readings, which threaten with the ongoing judgment of God (Jer. 4:11-12, 22-28), rebukes false worship-golden calf or golden tan (Ex. 37:7-14) and challenges us to hear the call to repentance (Ps. 51:1-10).

Proper 18 Who Calculates the Cost?

What does it mean to be a follower of Jesus? Why do we follow Him? The early 20th century hymn "It Pays to Serve Jesus" includes the refrain: "It pays to serve Jesus, it pays every day / It pays every step of the way / Though the pathway to glory may sometimes be drear / You'll be happy each step of the way."

Illustration: Opportunity

The right time to do the right thing is always right now. Recent reports indicate that George Washington, if he were alive today, would owe a huge library fine. New York City's oldest library has a ledger that indicates George Washington never returned two books he borrowed in 1789.

Illustration: Media, Influence of

A recent study form the Dartmouth Medical School says that middle school children who are allowed to watch R-rated movies are more likely to start drinking alcohol. Twenty-five percent of those who said their parents let them watch the movies "all the time" started drinking. Nineteen percent who said their parents let them watch "sometimes" had started drinking. Only 3 percent who were forbidden to watch R movies had started drinking.