Illustration: Prayer, Miracles

Joe McKeever tells about his son Neil, who was on an outing with his three children. The day before, he had suggested they pray for good weather. On their way to the park, he asked 10-year-old Grant if he had prayed for this beautiful day.

Illustration: Gift, Surprise

A famous author was autographing copies of his new novel in a Cleveland department store. One gentleman pleased him by bringing up not only his new book for signature, but reprint editions of his two previous ones, as well.

Illustration: Compassion

Author and lecturer Leo Buscaglia once talked about a contest he was asked to judge. The purpose of the contest was to find the most caring child. The winner was a 4-year-old child whose next-door neighbor was an elderly gentleman who recently had lost his wife.

Illustration: Problems, Struggles

A new kind of plane was on its first flight. It was full of reporters and journalists. A little while after takeoff, the captain's voice was heard over the speakers: "Ladies and gentlemen, I'm delighted to be your pilot for this plane's historic first flight. I can tell you the flight is going well. Nevertheless, I have to tell you about a minor inconvenience that has occurred. The passengers on the right side can, if they look out their windows, see that the closest engine is slightly vibrating. That shouldn't worry you, because this plane is equipped with four engines and we are flying along smoothly at an acceptable altitude.

Illustration: Attitude

"Suddenly I saw the contrast between our own family -- healthy with three children with strong legs -- and the other family. We were complaining and miserable, while they were having a great time. With so many things to be thankful for, how easy it is to forget them all."

Does Fear Hamper Our Worship

In Dangerous Intersections (Broadman & Holman), an excellent book by Jay Dennis and Jim Henry (two Orlando pastors), they talk about 11 of the most dangerous intersections through which the church must navigate today. The very first one they deal with is the "Intersection of Worship and Missing God," which they call the most "exciting" and the most "dangerous" intersection of all.