Waiting and Watching

August 8, 2010; Proper 14; Luke 12:31-40: Verses 35-40 contain two short parables in which Jesus compared His coming to a bridegroom returning from his wedding and a thief breaking in unexpectedly. Verses 31-34 set the stage for these two parables with Jesus assuring His disciples the Father has chosen to give the kingdom to them.

The Foolish Farmer

August 1, 2010; Proper 13; Luke 12:13-21: A rich farmer decided to tear down his old buildings and build bigger ones to accommodate his anticipated great harvest. Then he would eat, drink and be merry. God called the farmer a fool and suddenly required his soul from him before he could enjoy his riches.

The Master’s Teaching on Prayer

July 25, 2010; Proper 12;Luke 1:1-13: Prayer is at once the believer's greatest privilege, obligation and spiritual weapon. Sadly, prayer is also our greatest neglect. In this passage, Jesus taught us to pray by means of a pattern, a parable and a promise.

Who’s My Neighbor?

July 11, 2010; Proper 10; Luke 10:25-37: What must I do to inherit eternal life? This question occupies our thoughts today, but it is not a new question. An "expert in the law" once asked Jesus this question. In answer, Jesus turned the question back on him and asked what he thought the answer was. "Love the Lord with all your heart," and "Love your neighbor as yourself." The man's answer was straight out of Deuteronomy and Leviticus. Jesus told him he was right. All he had to do was to put those words into practice: "Do this and you will live."

What Matters Most

July 4, 2010; Proper 9; Galatians 6:1-16: Sooner or later everyone reaches the basic truth of life: Either our lives count for something important and eternal, or they are temporal and wasted. This is a strong statement that should make us pay close attention.

The Cross of Christ

Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer, senior pastor of Moody Memorial Church in Chicago, Ill., shares in his book Why the Cross Can Do What Politics Can't, "Many pastors no longer preach about God's holiness and man's depravity, arguing that we must speak to the 'felt needs' of the day. Thus much contemporary preaching centers on relationships within the family, how to conquer depression, and how to have a better self-image. The focus is on how Christ can help a person be a better businessman or career woman rather than on our need to prepare for heaven and face the final judgment. We are told that if we want to be relevant, we must 'scratch people where they itch.'

Illustration: Pride

Tancredo Neves ran for the presidency of Brazil in the 1980s. He boldly declared that if he got 500,000 votes from his own party, not even God could keep him from being president.

Illustration: Praise

The recent disaster in Haiti has produced a number of incredibly sad stories, but there also have been some inspiring ones. The news reported a story of a lady in Haiti who was shouting with joy.

Illustration: Peace/Contentment

Tasha Tudor wrote and illustrated more than 75 books. She loved the past and decided to live in another time-in the 1830s. She dressed in antique clothing, wove her own cloth and cooked on a wood stove with 19th century utensils. Previously, she met the followers of the Shaker religion.