Pay It Upward!

Maybe you have heard the phrase "pay it forward." The expression "pay it forward" has come to describe the concept of asking that a person repay a good turn by having it done to others instead of "paid back." When someone does something good for you, in turn you do something good for someone else -- not a bad way to generate a conspiracy of kindness. I understand that some plan to designate Thursday, April 29, 2010, as "Pay It Forward Day."


How are you supposed to deal with the sin in your life? Often, we think of it as a small thing, but Satan uses it as a stronghold. We need to make sure we're looking at and dealing honestly with the sin in our lives so we can be forgiven of all of our sin past, present and future. We can live in the power of God's Spirit and victory every day.

Anger Management

Proverbs 16:32--Do you struggle with anger? Everyone gets angry from time to time, but is your anger "manageable?" The first step to controlling your anger is understanding why you are so angry in the first place. This message will help you discover what God says about the root cause of your anger and turn it into something positive for the kingdom of God.

Deep Preaching

In Deep Preaching (B&H), Kent Edwards helps preachers move beyond superficial preaching by rediscovering the power and grandeur of Scripture in their own lives. Edwards includes practical assistance to help us dig deeper in proclaiming God's Word.

Faithful Preaching

Tony Merida's book Faithful Preaching (B&H) challenges a new generation of preachers to discover the power of expository preaching. Merida offers helpful insights for more effective biblical exposition.

The New Interpreter’s Handbook of Preaching

The New Interpreter's Handbook of Preaching (Abingdon) is an outstanding collection of articles about various elements of the preaching task. In addition to essays on various biblical and theological themes (and the relationship of preaching to those issues), the Handbook also includes helpful articles on an array of homiletical subjects, from Application to Preaching Without Notes.

Illustration: Living in the Present

In his "One Minute Uplift" newsletter, Rick Ezell tells this story: "A university professor tells of being invited to speak at a military base in December and their meeting an unforgettable soldier named Ralph. Ralph had been sent to meet him at the airport; and after they had introduced themselves, they headed toward the baggage claim. As they walked down the concourse, Ralph kept disappearing -- once to help an older woman whose suitcase had fallen open, once to lift two toddlers up to where they could see Santa Claus, and again to give directions to someone who was lost. Each time he came back with a big smile on his face."

Graduating from Hard Knock U!

Some things we learn only by experience! I never will forget the pain, but far more important, I will never forget the lessons. The memory of a broken heart can remain for a lifetime, but the things we learn in the University of Hard Knocks are good for eternity.