The Year’s Best: Our Annual Survey of the Past Year’s Best Books for Preachers

Anyone seriously concerned that the printed book will decline in popularity need only ask a preacher about that possibility. Even as preachers are making use of digital libraries and online tools for Bible study and digital books, the printed book remains the mainstay of the preacher's study. While any number of academic journals and other materials may find their way into a digital-only format, preachers (following the example of the Apostle Paul) instinctively will reach for the printed page.

A Tale of Two Preachers

One day, after Criswell had been filling George W. Truett's shoes for nearly eight years, W.A. glanced out the window of his office and saw an old man sitting there. He buzzed his secretary and asked how long the man had been waiting, "Well, he's been there for quite a while, Dr. Criswell. He looked like a bum to me, and I wasn't sure you'd want to be disturbed," she said. Criswell recognized the old man. He was no bum...

Connecting with High School Students: Practical Tips for Preaching to Young Adults

As I looked across the table, the seven students selected for my interview looked a little nervous. I could tell they were apprehensive about the questions they might be asked by the Church Doctor and his associate. Little did they know this is my favorite part of all the interviews we conduct during a church consultation. For years, I have enjoyed the interviews with these young adults. I love their gut-honesty, transparency and insights about the church. This age group is a great source of hope for the future of the local church.

Overcoming Obstacles

Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life. Join Jim Tolle as we open God's Word and learn to live life on the way. Defeating destruction, deliverance from destruction or overcoming obstacles -- however you look at it, we need to be delivered from obsessive and addictive behaviors. Jesus Christ offers hope for overcoming, defeating and being delivered our destructive and addictive behaviors.

Preaching the Resurrection

Imagine with me Washington, D.C., without the White House, St. Louis without the Arch, Atlanta without the Varsity, New York without the Yankees, and L.A. without the Lakers. You begin to get a remote idea of what it means to have a gospel without the doctrine of the resurrection. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is more than a historical fact; it's the main motif and high watermark of the historical drama known as God's redemptive story.

Evil and the Justice of God

In a world where secular thinkers are increasingly recognizing the reality of evil, the challenge remains: What is the appropriate response to evil? In Evil and the Justice of God (InterVarsity), N.T. Wright argues that Jesus' death is the culmination of God's solution to the problem of evil. The book includes a DVD with Wright discussing the topic.


What would happen in your church if each member invited one unchurched friend? In his book Ignite (Baker), Nelson Searcy talks about how to help your church become aligned with the heart of God, resulting in reaching people for Christ.

Illustration: Speed, Location

A man was driving home from a fishing trip in northern Michigan with his boat in tow. He had engine trouble a few miles inland from Lake Huron and didn't have a CB radio in his car, so he decided to use his marine radio to get help. Climbing into his boat, he broadcast his call letters and asked for assistance. A Coast Guard officer responded, "Please give your location."