Will You Believe?

I don't know about you, but when I look back on my conversion I don't see an event quite like the one described in our text today. Because I placed my trust in Christ at an early age, my life didn't take quite as drastic a turn as Saul's either. What I do have in common with the apostle is that my sins were forgiven-all my sins, big and small-and I have the freedom and opportunity to continue walking in faithful obedience.

A Strange Kind of Happiness

The post-resurrection appearances of Jesus are among the most familiar stories in Scripture to many church goers. After all, even for those who attend only on Christmas and Easter, these are the narratives they hear more than any others! While the accounts vary somewhat from one gospel to another, they are alike in developmental sequence: fear and sorrow over the death of Jesus are transformed into joy by an encounter with the risen Christ.

When Jesus Comes to Town

How remarkable is the wide range of human response to the triumphal entry of Jesus into the Holy City on Sunday of Passion Week. Some hailed Him as King; others plotted to assassinate Him. The reception of the Savior is still quite varied today-even in our churches.

Don’t Dwell on the Past

A few days after the Fort Hood massacre, another man took a pistol and went into an Orlando, Fla., engineering firm that had fired him in 2007. He shot several employees, killing one before surrendering to police. As he was led away in handcuffs, a reporter asked him, "Why?" He said, "Because they left me to rot." He could not forget or forgive.

What a Difference a Day Makes

That was Israel: 40 years of journeying from Egypt to the Promised Land, 40 years of God's never-ending supply. Then one day the Israelites were standing on the bank of the river, looking longingly into the promise. The next day they were there-and celebrated. We celebrate what a difference a day makes.

The Cheeseburger Bill

Because of such lawsuits, congressmen passed the "Cheeseburger Bill" through the House of Representatives in 2004 and 2005. It couldn't get past the Senate; but bill or no bill, the principle seems in order. People should take responsibility for their own actions. We cannot keep blaming others for the choices we make. God expects people to take responsibility for their actions. Jesus says so in our text, and Lenten season reminds us it's the case.

Stand for Truth

In an article on "Preaching and Applying Truth" in a past issue of Preaching, Bob Russell wrote: "A wealthy businessman in our community who had pledged a million dollars to our building fund came to me before it was collected and asked me to perform his wedding--his third wedding. Because of the circumstances surrounding his previous divorce, his situation didn't fit into our marriage policy. It really was tempting to try to find a way to accommodate his request, but I decided to follow the policy. (Partly, I confess, because I was afraid the elders would fire me if I didn't follow their guidelines!)

Sent and Gathered

Sent and Gathered (Baker Academic) by Clayton J. Schmit is subtitled A Worship Manual for the Missional Church. The book explores the various terrains of worship in the global church and offers insights for shaping worship in relationship to the missional focus of the church. Schmit offers an opportunity to see what is taking place in the church's worship in the 21st century.

Introverts in the Church

Churches tend to be places where extroverts--those gregarious, outgoing, people-persons--are prized. So, Adam McHugh has written Introverts in the Church (InterVarsity Press) to encourage his fellow introverts to find their own special place in the life and ministry of the church. He also reminds church leaders to recognize and value the gifts of the introverts in their churches.