What’s the Point? Moving from Exegetical to Homiletical

It was the winter of 2003, and I was attending Dallas Theological Seminary working on a doctorate with an emphasis in preaching. After 12 years of full-time pulpit ministry and having won a preaching award the prior year at the Capital Bible Seminary, I thought I knew preaching pretty well. However, what I was about to learn under the tutelage of Dr. Timothy S. Warren would influence my preaching dramatically forever.

Building a Winning Team

The next time you see geese flying south, think about the reason they always fly in a "V." Scientists figure that formation adds at least 71 percent to the flight range of the flock. By working together, they accomplish more. That's teamwork. Here are six essential skills for developing your own dream team:

Lost and Found: An Interview with Ed Stetzer

Ed Stetzer is President of LifeWay Research and a popular author and speaker dealing with issues relating to the church today. In a recent interview with Preaching Editor Michael Duduit, Ed talked about his latest book, Lost and Found (B&H), as well as about the research he conducted for an article that appeared in the November-December issue of Preaching.

2009 Bible and Bible Reference Survey for Preaching

The current economic downturn does not seem to have slowed publication of Bibles and Bible reference materials, though it often has made it more difficult to obtain review copies! I know it has made most people more careful about their purchases, and my aim in this article is to give some explanation about the new resources available so you might be helped in getting the most for your money.

Wise Up About Wisdom

Life is made up of choices. Wisdom is the best choice with the best result in every situation. Do you want to know how to get wisdom? Tune in as Pastor James teaches you how to attain this virtue.

Simple Student Ministry

Eric Geiger, co-author of Simple Church, applies the same concepts of Clarity, Movement, Alignment and Focus to the context of student ministries in his new book Simple Student Ministry (B&H Books). He encourages churches to guide students to a new level of discipleship through the principles outlined in the book.

The Gospel-Driven Life

Michael Horton's new book The Gospel-Driven Life (Baker) asserts that the only thing the church can provide that is unique is the gospel. That's why Horton urges churches to depart from their own agendas and focus on the good news that Christ is our only source of hope.

Hunting, Preferences

Dad loved the outdoors, and because of his passion for hunting and fishing, the family ate a considerable amount of wild game. One evening as Dad set a platter of broiled venison steaks on the dinner table, his 10-year-old daughter looked up and said, "Boy, it sure would be nice if pizzas lived in the woods."