
A little, rich kid walked up to the Santa Claus at the local mall and asked, "So, what can I do for you?" It is hard to say what he could have done for Santa, but we know Christmas isn't so much about what we can do for Christ, although giving in His name is a beautiful thing to do. It is primarily about what He has done for us.


Secularism and commercialism have tried to silence Jesus at Christmas-or at least shove Him into a corner. Schoolchildren have a Christmas break, but aren't allowed to acknowledge why or even call it a Christmas break. A woman in a store picked up a Christmas-themed religious recording and said, "I can't believe it-the Christians are trying to horn in on Christmas now." I would not for a moment try to take away from your celebration Santa Claus, Scrooge, the Grinch, Miracle on 34th Street or It's a Wonderful Life. Still, we must remember it is His day.

The Pastoral Epistles for Pastors

Pastor John Kitchen has published The Pastoral Epistles for Pastors (Kress Christian Publications), an intriguing book filled with useful tools for preachers and teachers in their study of 1 & 2 Timothy and Titus. This is a book by a pastor for pastors, and contains not only commentary but also a variety of tools of value to preachers, including several helpful appendices with teaching tools and resources.

Reformed Expository Commentary on Ephesians

Another excellent new commentary is Bryan Chapell's volume on Ephesians (P&R) in the Reformed Expository Commentary series. Chapell is a gifted expositor and teacher of preachers, and this commentary reflects his love of Scripture and his pastoral mind and heart. He approaches the text from the perspective of the preacher-teacher, yet his treatment is thoroughly grounded in the finest New Testament scholarship.

The First and Second Letters to the Thessalonians

Among the outstanding commentaries recently released, one of our favorites is Gordon Fee's new work on The First and Second Letters to the Thessalonians (Eerdmans), part of the New International Commentary on the New Testament series. Fee offers a marvelous exposition of the biblical text, along with helpful theological reflections and practical observations. Pastors who plan to preach or teach on the Thessalonian letters will want this resource close at hand.

Applying the Sermon

In his new book Applying the Sermon (Kregel), Daniel Overdorf seeks to fill that gap with a book that offers solid biblical insight and useful practical suggestions for preachers in this area of application. He argues that when it is properly done, application "allows the Word of God to speak" and allows that Word "to speak as explicitly and concretely today as it did originally."

Gratitude, Thankfulness

The boy said, "What a wonderful day! I asked for one flower but got a beautiful bouquet." That's the thankful spirit. That's the gratitude attitude. It's that attitude that should guide our giving and our lives. Like that boy's granny, God has blessed us so much. God has been so good to us that giving shouldn't even be a question. It should just flow from us naturally.


The anniversary of the first moon landing has reminded us of some interesting details. What was the first food and drink consumed on the moon? It was the elements of the Lord's Supper. Buzz Aldrin reports that the pastor of Webster Presbyterian Church in Houston presented him with a portable communion kit that included a bit of unleavened bread, a small container of wine, and a small chalice. Aldrin partook shortly after the landing. The church still uses a replica of the cup that went to the moon.