Preaching from Memory to Hope

"About every 50 years, American preaching has a nervous breakdown," asserts Thomas Long in the introduction to his new book Preaching from Memory to Hope (Westminster John Knox). "What happens is that trusted structures and strategies of the pulpit suddenly seem to lose their potency; and worried preachers, their confidence shaken, begin to scramble for the next, new thing."

Christ-Centered Worship

Bryan Chapell's superb book Christ-Centered Preaching (Baker) has become one of the standard texts on preaching in evangelical seminaries. Church leaders now can welcome a parallel volume in Chapell's newest contribution, Christ-Centered Worship (Baker).

A Brand by Any Other Name

Bob, chairman of the board at Old First Church, stood and spoke to the other members: "I was reading one of those church growth books, and it says that one of the things all those fast-growing churches do is called 'branding.' They figure out who they are, then come up with a slogan they can use to attract other folks."

Six Flags over Jesus!

If entertainment is worship, then Six Flags and Disney worship better than we do every single Sunday. The most urgent need in the church of Jesus Christ today is less entertainment and better preaching. Yet the reality is that often preaching is downplayed to make room for more special effects. This runs contrary to the plain teaching of the Bible and church history.

A Baby in the Belfry

In Isaiah 7, the only thing standing between Judah and its aggressors was the Word of God and a little baby. This sermon on faith draws a parallel with our lives. In the face of everything that threatens us, the only things we really have to trust in are God's Word and the baby he has given.

In Ministry: It’s an Online World

As computers and the Internet consume more and more of our waking hours-from writing sermons to managing membership to keeping up on Facebook-another digital dimension is confronting pastors and church leaders: online education.

Preaching in a Missional Church: An Interview with Reggie McNeal

Reggie McNeal is one of the key thinkers and authors about the future of the church. He spent more than 20 years in local congregational service, was founding pastor of a church and has worked within his own denomination. Now he is serving with Leadership Network, working with missional strategies and issues. His newest book is The Missional Renaissance (Jossey-Bass). He recently visited with Preaching Executive Editor Michael Duduit.

Preaching to Connect: An Interview with Perry Noble

Perry Noble is founding pastor of NewSpring Church, a church that has exploded in growth in the past decade. Preaching to a congregation of predominantly young adults, he is known for his bold and candid emphasis on the truths and the demands of the gospel in our lives. He recently visited with Preaching Editor Michael Duduit.

Made to Stick

Chip Heath is Professor of Organizational Behavior at the Graduate School of Business at Stanford University and co-author with his brother Dan of Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die. In a Preaching podcast interview with Michael Duduit, Chip shared some helpful insights about crafting ideas that stick with people: