The Upstairs of Our Souls!
?The favorite brand of pastor is the one who is always in a hurry, hard-hitting, aggressive and ready with a good quip for the next big moment.
Peter Marshall: Preaching with a Sanctified Imagination
?Peter Marshall often said, "Spirituality is a matter of perception, not proof."
Moving from Tragedy to Forgiveness
?Instead of celebrating with flowers, chocolates and a romantic dinner, emeritus missionary Lyn Hyde spent her 43rd wedding anniversary alone.
Using Pastoral Housing Strategically
?It is almost always better to own your own home than to live in a church-owned residence.
What Would Jesus Tweet?
Can anything of real and lasting value come from technology that limits information to a mere 140 characters?
Preaching in Vegas: An Interview with Jud Wilhite
?Jud Wilhite is senior pastor of Central Christian Church in Las Vegas, one of the fastest-growing churches in the nation. He has written a number of books, and his newest one is called Eyes Wide Open. He recently visited with Preaching editor Michael Duduit.
Preaching to the De-Churched: An Interview with Mark Batterson
?Mark Batterson is the founding and lead pastor of National Community Church in Washington, D.C. He has become known for two outstanding books published in recent years, In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day and Wild Goose Chase.
Leading from the Pulpit
Whatever else has changed in the modern worship environment, most of the seats in the sanctuary/auditorium/gym/meeting room still face the front.
How Effective Sermons Begin
?First impressions are crucial, and the introduction to a sermon helps determine whether the listeners will still be engaged to hear and respond to the rest of the message.