The Blind See–Finally
?October 25, 2009
Proper 24
Mark 10:46-52
Healing Bartimaeus closes a chapter in the life of Jesus. The new chapter (Mark 11) begins in a new location, Bethphage; records a unique new experience, the triumphal entry; and opens the final week in the earthly life of Jesus. Clearly, the story of Bartimaeus concludes something very significant.
Learn Where Your Church May Be Liable
While the church should be a safe haven, it is important to remember that the church is not immune to the troubles of the world.
The Royalty of Service
October 18, 2009
?Proper 23
Mark 10:35-45
I can hear it today as clearly as I heard it 37 years ago. It was a warm May night in a crowded Idaho church building. Our small graduating class was seated on stage enduring a rambling one-hour-and-forty-minute sermon. An hour into the sermon I heard the voice that only I would recognize.
Preaching Rediscovered: Broadus’ Lost Lectures and the Recovery of Exposition
?In 1889 John A. Broadus, the father of expository preaching, offered the prominent Beecher Lectures on Preaching to the campus of the divinity school at Yale University.
The 10 Stupidest Leadership Mistakes I’ve Made
Fortunately, I've been able to avoid some mistakes by learning from the mistakes of others.
The Economics of True Faith
October 11, 2009
Proper 22
Mark 10:17-31
I often get stock tips in my e-mail. But what I am giving you here are not tips but the truth about how to gain imperishable riches: truth that comes from one of the most well-known passages in the New Testament. This truth is about a rich young ruler's encounter with Christ. In it every believer must come face to face with the costs-the economics of true faith-of following Jesus Christ.
In the Land of Uz
October 4, 2009
Proper 21
Job 1:1; 2:1-10
When we hear about the city in Job 1:1, we think of Frank Baum's classic. For Uz sounds to us like Oz. But Uz was not make-believe. It could not have been more real.
Sovereign Surprises
September 27, 2009
?Proper 20
Esther 7:1-6,9-10; 9:20-22
"Where is God in all of this?" Haven't you asked that before? We often live our lives on the edges of faith, where promises and circumstances collide.
?He Is Not Silent: Preaching in a Postmodern World
?Expressing his concern that "dangerous trends and many popular examples threaten to undermine the centrality of biblical exposition in evangelical pulpits around the world," in this new book R. Albert Mohler, Jr. argues for a renewal of expository preaching that faithfully confronts congregations with the Word of God.