Whole Church
In Mel Lawrenz's new book, Whole Church, he offers a practical model of empowered church ministry.
Transforming Fatherhood (Eph. 6:1-4)
While Father's Day is not on the official church calendar, we are glad to recognize the role of fatherhood in the Bible because this is a well-covered topic.
The Light Shines in a Prison
Dr. Erwin Lutzer looks at how Paul's decision to go into Europe rather than continue eastward forever changed that continent and influences us today.
Lessons from Paul’s Spiritual Journey
Pastor Paul Sheppard examines practical lessons we should learn from Paul's personal journey from enemy of the cross to prominent apostle.
What Does the Lord Require?
Walter Kaiser shows how we can effectively apply God's Word to a host of pressing ethical issues.
Making Vision Stick
Another small book that is worth its weight in gold is Making Vision Stick.
The Character of Leadership
An excellent little book on the subject of Christian leadership is The Character of Leadership.
GMA Moves Competition to Nashville
The Gospel Music Association has announced the annual Music in the Rockies talent competition and training session will be moved from Estes Park, Colorado to Nashville under the new name Immerse. From J... Continue Reading...
Music in Recession
Consider the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back. Now, think of the Christian music industry as the camel. As the economy continues to falter, might the straw be upon us even now?
An extraordinary n... Continue Reading...