Paul Sheppard preaches on understanding that dying to self leads to abundant life in Christ; practical insights from the story of the rich, young ruler.
With the economy bad and getting worse, people are looking for counsel, and one place many are looking is in the biography of one of the world's richest men and most astute investors.
With the beginning of a new presidential administration, it's interesting that one of the bestselling books today is about a presidency of nearly two centuries ago.
Ed Stetzer is Director of LifeWay Research, where he is developing critical data to help church leaders interpret the culture and the future of the church. Prior to that role he was at the North American Mission Board Center for Missional Research. He has been a pastor, a church planter, author of several books, and is one of the cutting edge guys in terms what's happening in the contemporary church. Preaching editor Michael Duduit visited with Ed in his Nashville office.
There is a simple method for ministering personally to seven individuals in your congregation each day in a way that will have a great impact on your congregation.