Death Breeds Life

March 29, 2009 ?Fifth Sunday in Lent (B) John 12:20-33 Many people walk through life believing that the key to an abundant life is what the world defines as success. They seek only after the desires of their flesh, all the while being deceived into thinking they'll be fulfilled. Even Christians often find themselves in despair, giving in to their flesh, unable to avoid the patterns of this world. If only we could grasp fully what Jesus teaches in this text, that death to self is life abundant.

?My Life Is a Snake Pit!

March 22, 2009 ?Fourth Sunday in Lent (B) Numbers 21:4-9 "Pastor," she said, as she began to search for a way to share her heart, "our daughter has run away." As I listened she began to describe the problems she and her husband had been facing with their daughter. This was not the first time this had happened. Tears streamed down her face as she recounted all of what she saw as her failures as a parent. The pain was tremendous. Fear was rampant. She saw no hope.

??Money Changers Meet the Life Changer

?March 15, 2009 Third Sunday in Lent (B) John 2:13-22 A few years ago Ray Boltz wrote and recorded a song entitled "Watch the Lamb." It tells the story of a Jewish father and his son making their pilgrimage to sacrifice their Passover lamb. The lad is charged with the responsibility of keeping up with the lamb. While they are traveling they come to the place where Christ is being crucified, and the father is heard saying to the lad, "watch the lamb." In this passage we see the people of God watching to make sure the sacrifice is perfect. But they miss the real Lamb.

Perfect Hearing

?March 8, 2009 Second Sunday in Lent (B) Mark 8:31-38 The I.R.S. received this letter a number of years ago: "Gentlemen: Enclosed you will find a check for $150. I cheated on my income tax return last year and have not been able to sleep ever since. If I still have trouble sleeping I will send you the rest. Sincerely..."

?An Uncommon Man with an Uncommon Mission

?March 1, 2009 First Sunday in Lent (B) Mark 1:9-15 John the Baptist, the charismatic revivalist, was exhausted. His disciples were concerned because of how tired he appeared lately. His daily schedule was purpose-driven, challenging him to be up early praying, thinking and meditating before His God. While he was praying, the crowds gathered close by, waiting for him to make his entrance. His appearance was unique-long, unkempt hair waving in the wind, his black beard untrimmed, and wearing clothes made of camel's hair with a leather belt around his waist. He looked much older than his 30 years. John had a wild, wide-eyed demeanor that captivated his listeners' attention on the hillsides of Judea.