Without question, the most impressive thing about the 2008 Reader's Choice Awards was not the winners themselves as the voter turnout. Close to 6,000 participated in this year's online survey, which is nearly t... Continue Reading...
Demon Hunter | Hillsong United | David PhelpsSkillet | Third Day | Tye Tribbett & G.A. | Paul WilburDemon Hunter45 Days (Solid State)The Good: Most music DVDs focus on the concert and relegate behind-the-sc... Continue Reading...
As we went back into the process of selecting the year's best albums, some of the panelists expressed initial concern that there weren't enough great releases in 2008. They quickly changed their tune after ... Continue Reading...
The Christian life is a song of thanksgiving, a glad and joyous hymn of praise to God. "Be thankful," Paul admonished the believers at Colossae in our text.
The most important attitude that we will ever nurture, that we will ever exhibit, is the attitude of thanksgiving. I am more convinced of that every day. The attitude that makes the difference is an attitude of being thankful, of being grateful.
For all of us the important question is: How do we fit into this story? Can we be thankful for past healing events, and express that thanks, long after the fact?