When the Dream Becomes Reality Sam S. Rainer III Paul Sheppard on discovering that divine destiny always gives us a testimony to share and a task to accomplish. READ MORE
With a Clear Conscience Sam S. Rainer III Dr. Henry Davis says that we all will have to deal with challenges and looks at Paul's letter to Timothy for a plan of action. READ MORE
No Matter What, Get the Message Out Sam S. Rainer III Dr. James MacDonald says that we need to renew our passion for being a messenger of the gospel of Jesus Christ. READ MORE
The Purpose of Christmas Sam S. Rainer III The Purpose of Christmas by Rick Warren is a reminder of the real "reason for the season." READ MORE
Tribes Sam S. Rainer III Tribes describes how the Internet is helping to shape a 21st-century tribalism that demands a new generation of leaders. READ MORE
Should We Use Someone Else’s Sermon? Preaching.com The issue of homiletical plagiarism isn't a new concern. READ MORE
Reasons We Believe Sam S. Rainer III This is a useful apologetics tool which offers a well-organized treatment of reasons we believe in God, Jesus and the Bible. READ MORE
In Search of a Confident Faith Sam S. Rainer III This could prompt some interesting sermon ideas, as well as provide an excellent resource to share with young believers. READ MORE
How Effective Sermons Begin Sam S. Rainer III The opening moments of a sermon are among the most critical. READ MORE
Discovering the Blessed Life Sam S. Rainer III Dr. Jim Tolle discusses how the blessed life should bring about progress and advancement. READ MORE