My All in All
This year-long devotional resource focuses on the Bible's uses of the word "all" and how these passages amplify God's greatest truths, commands and promises.
Worldliness: Resisting the Seduction of a Fallen World
In Worldliness: Resisting the Seduction of a Fallen World, C.J. Mahaney and others encourage us to resist one of those major factors that can draw us away from faithfulness.
Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership
Too often those of us in leadership become consumed with our daily activities and neglect our own spiritual formation.
You Have Hope in Suffering
Dr. Erwin Lutzer says that suffering of one kind or another is common to us all and that we should be encouraged because our groaning is leading to glory.
The Faith Muscle
Dr. Michael Youssef shows us how even though Elijah's life appeared to be completely out of control, his prayers and faith made all the difference!
Preaching and Politics: An Interview with Adam Hamilton
Preaching editor Michael Duduit recently visited with Hamilton to discuss his newest book and the challenge of preaching in a political season.
November-December, 2008, Volume 24, No. 3
November-December, 2008, Volume 24, No. 3
The Gifts Left Under Calvary’s Tree
Jan. 4, 2009
Second Sunday After Christmas (B)
Ephesians 1:3-14
At this point in the year when we're trying to recall our Christmas benefactors in order to acknowledge their generosity with an appropriate thank-you note, we do well to remember the spiritual blessings bestowed upon us by our Supreme Benefactor-blessings listed by Paul in Ephesians 1:3-14.
An End to Chaos
Jan. 11, 2009
Baptism of the Lord (B)
Genesis 1:1-5
Everyone knows the joke about the fellow who, when asked for directions, always answered, "You can't get there from here."