Preaching into the Darkness

Jan. 18, 2009 Second Sunday After Epiphany (B) 1 Samuel 3:1-20 If a preacher occupies the pulpit long enough, he is likely to experience just about anything. During my first pastorate, lightning struck a tree outside the wall in back of my pulpit-not 20 feet from where I stood preaching.

Jesus the Evangelist

Jan. 25, 2009 Third Sunday After Epiphany (B) Mark 1:14-20 Two men who were earthly cousins shared a common faith and a heavenly Father. In this passage John the Baptist is ending his ministry in the Machaerus prison. Jesus is beginning His ministry in the Galilean hills preaching. John came pointing others to the Word. Jesus was the Word. John was mighty in his preaching. Jesus was the Almighty. John called for repentance. Jesus commanded a new birth.

Jesus the Pastor-Teacher

Feb. 1, 2009 Fourth Sunday After Epiphany (B) Mark 1:21-28 Jesus has now chosen four men to be His first followers. They were two sets of brothers. Simon Peter and Andrew were casting their net. This is a beautiful picture of what Jesus asked them to do for men. This is the task of the evangelist. The other two brothers were James and John. They were mending their nets.

Do the Right Thing

Feb. 8, 2009 Fifth Sunday After Epiphany (B) 1 Corinthians 9:16-23 You're in a conference in a big meeting room in a fancy hotel. You get to the meeting early. Over to the side of the room is a very elegant looking purse. You pick up the purse and look inside to see if you can see any identification. Everything is intact. Before you get to the wallet, which is made of the finest, softest leather you've ever seen, you notice that the owner has only the finest grade of cosmetics in her purse. You see several other signs of affluence-a Mont Blanc pen, designer sunglasses and a cocktail napkin from the country club. You notice the car keys-a Lexus and a BMW.

Some Great Thing

Feb. 15, 2009 Sixth Sunday After Epiphany (B) 2 Kings 5:1-14 What is your wildest dream for your church? As you ponder that question, you may have a dream of a place where there is joy and excitement. You dream of a place where lost sinners are found, broken homes are restored, and those who are adrift find new purpose in living. That may be happening in your church or, sadly, it may not.

A Glimpse of Glory

Feb. 22, 2009 Transfiguration Sunday (B) Mark 9:2-9 One of the earliest sermons I ever preached attempted to tie together two different texts. One of those was the story of the time that Moses went up on the mountain and met with God. When he came down, his face was so radiant and bright with glory that he had to place a veil over it when he met with his fellow Israelites.