Preaching Through Their Defenses: An Interview with John Ortberg
Since 2003, John Ortberg has served as senior pastor of the Menlo Park Presbyterian Church in Menlo Park, California.
Who Gets to Narrate the World? Contending for the Christian Story in an Age of Rivals
The late Robert Webber provided us with many books that have influenced ministry in our own age.
We Preach Not Ourselves: Paul on Proclamation
Michael P. Knowles offers a rich analysis of the apostle Paul's philosophy of preaching through a study of the early chapters of Second Corinthians.
Jackals Among Ruins
We might call jackals by more personal names like Joseph Smith, Mary Baker Eddy, Charles Taze Russell or Jim Jones. And this would be right, I think. But could such religious beasts arise from our kind?
Holiness Means Separation
Dr. James MacDonald says you're an accident waiting to happen if you don't have that conviction and call to be 'separate.'
Redirecting Your Energy
Dr. Henry P. Davis preaches on how God is hard working and expects the same of His children.
Encouraging Each Other (1 Thess. 4:13-18)
Discouragement is an ever-present danger. ... Why not try Paul's prescription for those dark days?
Backtrack to Saddleback — Secularists Not Pleased
Given the hype, I was positively unhopeful. But . . . the event turned to be quite worthwhile after all.