The Cure for Conflict

10.12.08 Proper 23 Philippians 4:1-9 Paul's letter to the church at Philippi is filled with thanksgiving, rejoicing and praise. It is a letter from the heart of a loving and caring pastor. We see in this epistle one commendation after another until we come to the first nine verses of chapter 4. Here, as Guy King states it, we find the "fly in the ointment." The text before us reveals a conflict in the church and a loving pastor's admonition to those involved.

I Want to Know

10.05.08 Proper 22 Philippians 3:4-13 It always makes for interesting conversation when you're engaged in dialogue with someone who can "one-up" your story. You know the scenari you share one of your great achievements in life, an outstanding vacation you've taken or even a life-changing moment you've been a part of-only to have the other person tell you a story that expresses how his experience was better than yours.

A Better Way to Live

09.28.08 Proper 21 Philippians 2:1-13 Not too long ago I was engaged in a friendly-but serious-theological discussion with a dear friend. We had both outlined our points and kindly presented our cases from our respective vantage points. After ending in a stalemate, as these things often do, I wanted to ensure that my motives were pure and I had properly communicated my feelings. I proceeded to relay the entire conversation to my wife, presenting all my convincing points.

Finding Contentment in God’s Best

09.21.08 Proper 20 Philippians 1:21-30 The great hope of the Christian faith is that we will go to heaven when we pass from this life. Don Piper is a Baptist pastor from Texas who has written the best-selling book 90 Minutes in Heaven.

What Does God Say About It?

09.14.08 Proper 19 Romans 14:1-12 Nancy Ortberg tells the story of her daughter coming home from a church service with a note in her pocket. She was so deeply touched about what her daughter had written that she put it up on the cork board in her kitchen. It said, "Help me not to be OK just because everything is OK with me."

Love One Another

09.07.08 Proper 18 Romans 13:8-14 The heart of life in the Christian community is expressed in the "one anothers" of the New Testament-encourage one another, bear one another's burdens and spur one another on toward love and good deeds, to name a few. The most all-encompassing "one another" is found in this week's text: "love one another."