Misquoting Truth

Sometimes it seems there's a whole industry now producing books questioning Christian faith and biblical truth (often by citing later Gnostic writings as if they are on a par with the biblical canon). One author making a living off such skepticism is Bart Ehrman.


Results from a new study released from Ellison Research finds that 13 percent of Americans do not believe at all in the concept of sin. But, a majority of Americans (87%), however, do believe in this concept and they include adultery (81%), racism (74%), use of hard drugs (65%), failing to say anything if they're given too much change by a cashier (63%), having an abortion (56%), cheating on their taxes (52%) and homosexual activity (52%) as sin. "Sin" was defined in the research as "something that is almost always considered wrong, particularly from a religious or moral perspective." (Pastor's Weekly Briefing, 3-14-08)

The Journey of Life

Jack Graham, host of Power Point -- Life can be very difficult, sometimes unbearable. Who's sharing the journey with you? You and I need someone we can count on regardless of where we are on the journey. Enjoy this lesson about the ultimate life journey partner and how we can change our destiny.

The Speech of the New Man

John MacArthur, host of Grace to You -- It's said, "You are what you eat" . . . but a more accurate phrase might be . . . "You are what you say." That in mind . . . do the things you say give people the impression that you're . . . a Christian?

Preaching Doctrine that Dances

Preaching a sermon in the Internet age comes pretty easily. In fact, spend just a few hours doing some research on your text, copy and paste from a few different sources, squeeze in a personal story or two and you are set for Sunday morning. But if you prefer doctrinal preaching, you are going to have to work for it. It is as intense a workout as you will ever get as you pore over God's Word in preparation for the sermon.

The Peculiar Mark of Majesty

How do you receive the Spirit of Christ? How do you know you have the Spirit of Christ in you -- so that you can belong to Him, rise with Him, rule with Him? Easter always should function to remind and encourage us that in all our self-denial, striving, sacrificing, and struggling, it's worth it.

A Journey into Darkness

Has pride ever gotten in your way? Has pride ever disrupted your relationship with God? There is a way to rekindle your relationship with the Lord. Discover Jesus' grace and forgiveness with Dr. David Jeremiah, host of Turning Point.

The Lie that Jesus has a Dark Secret

Many people have skeletons in their closets -- carefully hidden secrets no one can ever know, lest their reputations be ruined. Some today are saying Jesus has a skeleton in His closet, that He had a human father and was not virgin-born as the Bible teaches. Those who want to minimize the New Testament Jesus spread this lie to make Jesus just natural, not supernatural. Why does it matter?

Easter as an Earthquake

In a Preaching magazine sermon called "Easter as an Earthquake," William Willimon concluded with these words: "In the fifties, in China, there was a devastating earthquake. But as a result of the quake, a huge boulder was dislodged from a mountain thus exposing a great cache of wonderful artifacts from a thousand years ago. A new world suddenly became visible.

Identity Theft

With identity theft a growing problem, pastor Mike Breaux takes a creative turn with the topic in the book Identity Theft (Zondervan), discussing how we can reclaim the authentic person God created you to be. I suspect this grew out of a sermon series (as do so many great books!), and it offers some great ideas to other pastors for developing their own series on the topic.