Leadership Essentials

Using multiple learning approaches, Greg Ogden and Daniel Meyer help leaders further develop their gifts in Leadership Essentials (InterVarsity). Dealing with topics like character, vision, and specific challenges faced by leaders, this resource would be particularly valuable for staff training, though it can also be used individually.

Getting into Character: The Art of First-Person Narrative Sermons

In Getting into Character: The Art of First-Person Narrative Sermons (Brazos Press), pastor/playwright/actor Stephen Chapin Garner offers practical advice for preparing and presenting first-person narratives that will be fresh and engaging. Pastors who don't have much experience with such sermons will find this a helpful resource and an encouragement to try such sermons from time to time.


Jack Graham, host of Power Point, takes a look at common, ordinary early Christians and how God used them to change the world. His message will challenge and inspire viewers, as well as help them discover their destiny and how God desires to use them to change our world.

Jesus, Brokenness

In the May 1982 issue of Guideposts, Norman Vincent Peale told of a distinguished British violinist named Peter Cropper. Cropper's work was so outstanding that the Royal Academy of Music in London had honored him by lending him a priceless 258-year old Stradivarius.

Faith in the Halls of Power

It's an election year, in case you've missed it, and that means more discussion about the relationship of religion and politics. In Faith in the Halls of Power (Oxford Univ Press), D. Michael Lindsay draws on extensive interviews to survey how evangelicals have moved from the edge of American culture to take up leadership roles in politics, on Wall Street, and even in Hollywood. It's a fascinating and illuminating read.

The Good Works Reader

In his book The Good Works Reader (Eerdmans), theologian Thomas Oden draws on the writers of the early Christian church (along with biblical writings) to explore the issue of works in the Christian life. Recognizing the place of faith and works, Oden brings us these classic insights to remind us we are called to lives of holiness.