Preaching Through Landmines
Through his pastoral service at First Baptist Church, in Atlanta, his In Touch TV and radio ministry and his many books, Charles Stanley has become one of the nation's best known preachers. Preaching editor Michael Duduit recently had the opportunity to visit with Pastor Stanley about his newest book and his preaching ministry.
Preaching: Your most recent book is Landmines in the Path of the Believer. What led to the writing of this book?
Truth-Telling and Church Discipline
Leaders and churches that are committed to speaking the truth in love learn that church discipline is part of the package. If we truly care about people, we will not look the other way while they shipwreck their faith, destroy their lives and run from God. Discipline is not a hammer for crushing the wayward brother or sister. It's a redemptive intervention that calls people to turn back to the Lord, who loves them.
What Will I Serve for Dinner?
Parents ask this question on a daily basis. "Should I microwave some TV dinners or make a salad? Pastors make similar decisions for their church families on a weekly basis. Every week, every pastor wonders, "What's for dinner?" What spiritual food will I serve up to my congregation this week?"
Funding New Facilities
The constant, major challenge for any growing church, whether newly planted or established, is providing adequate facilities with which to do ministry. To address this challenge, you must wrestle with at least three critical questions: What can you afford to build? How will you fund it? How will you spend the money you raise?