Preaching and Trinitarian Worship (part 4 of a series)
My last article concluded with this challenge: Preach as Trinitarians, and I dealt with two issues: a) Preach the Trinity in the whole story of Scripture; b) Preach all Three Persons. Now we consider two further aspects. Preach the Trinity in Scripture texts. Keep looking for the Trinity in every text.
Preaching the Revised Common Lectionary
Preaching the Revised Common Lectionary (Abingdon) by Gail R. O'Day and Charles Hackett is a useful guide to the history and use of a lectionary for preaching. (A lectionary is a multi-year cycle of biblical texts.)
The Stewardship Companion
Stewardship is a vital topic for pastoral preaching, and the need for fresh ideas and resources never ends. David N. Mosser has provided a service to pastors with his new The Stewardship Companion (Westminster John Knox).
What’s in the Box?
I'm sitting in row seven watching Dr. Bob, our senior pastor, give today's sermon for children. He raises a box and squints his eyes as though he is trying to figure out what is in it. Now most of us, children and adults alike, love guessing games. So, Dr. Bob calls his weekly children's talk "What's in the Box?" Talk about mystery. The kids love it. So do the adults. Especially me.
The Living Church
John Stott is a Christian statesman known around the world, and out of a lifetime of faithful study and service he shares The Living Church (InterVarsity Press), expressing his own vision for the Body of Christ in today's world.