Religion Losing Ground Each Generation

An increasing number of people in America and around the world don't believe in God. The Pew Research Center for the People & the Press has found 20 percent of Americans ages 18 to 25 say they have no religious affiliation or consider themselves atheists or agnostics, nearly double the rate of 20 years ago.

Pastors Encouraged to Blog

Speaking at the recent GodBlogCon (a conference for Christians interested in the new media), Mark Roberts presented a message entitled "Taking Your Ministry to the New Media - The Pastor as Godblogger." Mark presented 18 theses, including these:

Twilight of Atheism?

Despite the surge of best-selling books attaching religion, author Dinesh D'Souza argues (in his new book What's So Great About Christianity) that religion - not atheism - is on the rise. In a recent interview he observed:

Good News, Bad News

"This house," said the real estate salesman, "has both its good points and its bad points. To show you I'm honest, I'm going to tell you about both. The disadvantages are that there is a chemical plant one block south and a slaughterhouse a block north...

Happiness, Consumerism

Economist Richard Layard believes that although people are getting wealthier and living more comfortably, they're not getting happier. He argues in Happiness: Lessons from a New Science that a "zero-sum game of competition for money and status has gripped rich societies, and that this rate race is a big source of unhappiness...

A Battle for Integrity

I must tell you that I have been troubled regarding the face of things in our country and within the family of God. My major battle has had to do with one word, one concept. My battle has to do with integrity.