Genuine Success

In his book Quiet Strength, Tony Dungy, head coach of the Super Bowl Champion Indianapolis Colts, wrote of what was in his mind with 45 seconds to go before his team won the Super Bowl...


There is an ancient story about a man who hid his gold by burying it at the foot of a tree. Every week he used to dig it up and admire it. A thief noticed this routine and dug up the gold and ran off with it...


The "Ripley's Believe It or Not" column told recently of some men from Queensland, Australia, who, in June of 2007, sailed fifty miles down the Brisbane River on a boat made of beer cans...


In a recent "Wizard of Id" comic strip, the watchman calls out, "Who goes there?" A voice in the darkness answers back, "I'm a man of the cloth looking for sinners." The watchman countered, "Well, you've come to the right place."


In the year 1833, a cholera plague killed 500 citizens of Lexington, Ky., in a two-month period. Half the city fled in fear. A man named William "King" Solomon stayed behind to bury the dead...


According to an old story attributed to Aesop, a man married off his two daughters. One married a gardener, and the other married a brick maker...


The New Book of Lists claims that the Cape of Good Hope is a misnomer. When Portuguese explorer Bartholomeu Dias came around the southern tip of Africa, he found the sea so rough that he called it the Cape of Storms...

Eternal Life

Sir William Russell was sentenced to death and while on the scaffold, he handed his watch to a friend and said, "I shall not need this any longer. From now on I shall be dealing with eternity." The truth is that all of us, every day, are dealing with eternity.